Sunday, March 17, 2013



Cottage cheese (Chenna)- 2 cup                   

Maida- 1 cup

Sugar- 1 cup

Milk- ½ cup

Mango pulp- 1 cup

Mango essence- ½tsp

Cardamom powder- ½tsp

Pistachios- 7-8 (chopped)


1.Take chenna and mango pulp. Knead well to mix the ingredients. Now make small 
round balls with your palms. Keep them in a plate.

2.Heat 2 cups of water in a bowl and add sugar & cardamom powder. Stir and boil till the 

sugar dissolves into a syrup.

3.Take a slotted spoon and remove the grey layer that forms on top of the boiling syrup.

4.Now slowly add the chenna balls one by one. Simmer for 2-3 minutes and let the balls boil.

5.Use a spoon to bring the balls in the center while boiling. Close the lid and then boil 

for another 10 minutes on a low flame.

6.Keep checking at short intervals to see if the balls have increased in size and become 

soft. Once done, add mango essence and put the bowl off flame. Let it cool.

Once the rasgullas cool, garnish with pistachios and serve this amazing Bengali sweet to 
your loved ones.

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