Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Kheer (sweet rice dessert )


* Milk  (1 Liter)
* Rice  (½ Cup)
* Sugar( 1 Cup or as per taste)
* Khoya(solid Milk)-(1 Cup)
* Green Cardamom  (4)
* Almonds  ( ½ Cup)
* Pistachios (½ Cup)
* Saffron(Optional)(1 Pinch)


Rinse rice well and soak them into water for half an hour at least. Take them out of water and spread them to dry and then grind them well. For this purpose, you can use a rolling pin. Make sure it does not become powder.
Soak almonds and pistachios in warm water, peel the thin skin off and chop them finely. Pour milk into a pan and put it to boil. In the meantime, take a little cold water or cold milk to make a paste of ground rice. When milk is boiled, add this paste gradually into it and keep stirring. Lower down the flame and add saffron into it. Keep on stirring periodically. When u start smelling the aroma of cooked rice, add sugar and green cardamom and cook it for 20 more minutes so that the extra water gets dry and it could get athick consistency. Now remove the pan from the stove and let the mixture get cool. When it is cooled down, add Khoya (solid milk) and mix it well. Take it out in a serving dish and garnish it with finely chopped almonds and pistachios. tasty sweet dis ready .

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