Thursday, June 20, 2013

Coconut Halwa

Ingredients : 

1)1 Medium Coconut, grated
2) 1/4 cup Clarified Butter
3) 1-1/4 cup Sugar
4) 3/4 cup Rice
5) finely cut coconut  


1) Wash and soak rice for about one hour.
2) Remove kernel from coconut and cut into small pieces.
3) In a food processor, grind soaked rice, coconut pieces and along with 1 cup of water until soft.
4) In a heavy bottomed pan, add the above coconut and rice paste, sugar and clarified butter.
5) Mix well and cook on medium heat until thick.
6) Keep stirring because coconut and sugar mixture can stick to the bottom of the pan and burn.
7) Cook until mixture becomes thick/lumpy and sticky.
8) At this point it starts to leave the sides of the pan.
9) Remove from heat and spread on a greased, round plate.
10) Garnished with coconut 
11) When it is cooled, cut into diamond shaped pieces.

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