Saturday, July 6, 2013

Mutton Korma


Mutton without bone - 500 gms
Chopped Onion- 2 table spoon
Ginger Mash - 1 tea spoon
Oil - 2 table spoon
Clarified Butter - 1 tea spoon
Fried Onion - 1 table spoon
Garlic Mash - half tea spoon
Almond Mash - half tea spoon
Poppy Seeds Mash - half tea spoon
Cumin Powder - half tea spoon
Green Chili Pepper - 3 pis
Sour Yogurt - half cup
Salt - as taste
Cardamom - 1 pis 
Cinnamon - 1 pis
Cloves - 1 pis 
Bay Leaf - 1
Saffron - a bit
Rose Water - 1 tea spoon


Make thin 2 inch slices of goat meat. After wash, drain all water. Mixed with sour yogurt and keep in a covered dish for 1 hour. With chopped onion, ginger, garlic, cashew nut, poppy seeds, coriander, cumin and hot spice powder, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, and bay leaf - mixed with 2 table spoon water in dish. Put it in micro oven, coocked it in highest temperature for two minute without covering the pot. After 2 minutes mixed the masala with meat and cover the dish. Cooked it for 8 minutes. Keep it another three minutes without power on or door open. Take out the dish and mixed with the cream. Cover the dish and wait for 5 minutes before serving.

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